Freezer Leaking Problem



Why My Freezer Is Leaking?


Is the defrost drain blocked or drain pan damaged?


A blocked defrost drain is one of the most common causes. This happens when food particles or other debris clog up the drain hose, which can lead to ice buildup and water leaks.

To fix this, first, flush the drain from inside the freezer with warm water using a turkey baster or a small funnel. You can also try using a pipe cleaner or a straightened coat hanger to remove the clog.

If this doesn’t fix the problem, consider manually removing the debris that’s clogging the valve at the end of the drain hose. To do so, pull your refrigerator out from the wall and locate the defrost drain hose in the bottom back service panel. This hose should have a rubber check valve – it helps regulate humidity but is known for catching debris and clogging. Clean the valve out with hot water and soap, and reinstall it.

There could be an issue with the drain pan. The drain pan is responsible for taking water from your freezer and filtering it to the outside safely. If your drain pan is damaged, this could cause a leak underneath the freezer.

To figure out where the drain pan is located you might want to consult the manual. Then, see if there is a crack in it. If you see a puddle directly beneath the drain pan, there is probably a crack. The only question is where it is located. If it’s damaged, you need to replace it and to do so you will have to turn off the freezer.


Is the temperature set too low?


If you turn the refrigerator temperature too low, it will cause your appliance to work overtime, and can also freeze and spoil some of your foods.

To fix this you want to set the temperature between 37 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit (2.8 and 4.4 degrees Celsius). Periodically adjust the temperature setting on your refrigerator to slowly bring it to the desired temperature. If this doesn’t solve the issue, consult with a professional, as you may have a defective part, such as a condenser, thermostat sensor or fan motor.


Is the food not stored properly?


There could be an issue with the way your food has been stored. You might need to adjust the way your items are arranged to fix the problem. Storing food incorrectly can lead to water leakage.

For example, if you have a lot of items that contain a lot of moisture, this could be increasing the moisture content in the interior of the freezer. In addition, if you have too many items resting against the back wall of the freezer, moisture could be collecting on the back of the appliance. Then, it flows down the wall of the fridge, leaking out the back.

If you want to put a stop to this problem, you have to consider changing the way your items are arranged.


Is the door seal an issue?


Another possible reason that your freezer could be leaking is an issue with the door seal. The seal is responsible for keeping the cold air from escaping. If cold air is escaping, this will cause everything inside the freezer to melt. When this happens, the water will have to go somewhere and it then exits your freezer in the form of a serious leak.

You might have to replace the seal on the door, or there is a chance it simply has to be cleaned. So, take a close look at the door seal to make sure there is nothing wrong with it.


Is it on level ground?


Other than the above-mentioned reasons it could also be possible that the appliance is on uneven ground.

Take a look at your freezer. If it looks like it is tilted forward, there is a chance the door seal is not closing properly. In this case, the problem is not the door seal but the legs.

If this is the case, you might have to replace one or more of the legs of the freezer. You might also have to do something to make the floor even.


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